FORMS allow you to collect information from end users using an array of different form building tools.
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Note: The form tool is only available with certain versions of Capillary. If you would like to utilize forms, please contact us at for more information. |
To create form content, navigate to the Form section under Content Publishing in the left-hand navigation menu, then click on “Create Form” button at the top right. In the resulting popup menu, name your form content and provide an author’s name. This will bring you to the Details section of your form and allow you to start building your content.
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Note: This tutorial specifically refers to the Builder section of the Publishing Wizard. Detailed instructions on Details, Categories, Collection, and Publish tabs of the Publishing Wizard can be found here. |
To start building your form, navigate to the Builder section of the Publishing Wizard. In the top task bar, you will see the following icons: “Details”; “Tags”; “Builder”; “Collections”; and “Publish.” Click “Builder” to access Capillary’s form builder toolcontent-readiness tabs. Forms are organized by sections, with each section built from various form-building components that can be grouped, arranged, and nested.
Creating a New Section
To create a new section, click the “+ Create First Section” button. (You can also click “+ Add Section” at the bottom left.) A box will appear in the Editing Area section on the right of the screen allowing you to name the section. Clicking the arrow chevron to the left of the name of the section will display the contents within the section and allow you to add new components. Clicking the arrow chevron again will collapse the section.
Creating a New Component
To add a new component to a section, make sure the section is open (arrow chevron will be pointing down), and click the “+ New Component” button underneath the section’s name. This will open a popup menu that allows you to choose the type of component to create.
Below are the nine component-types possible within a form:
End-User Select Components
End-user select components consist of questions designed for users to select an answer (numerical or textual) from a predefined field of choices.
The Yes/No component allows you to ask users a simple yes or no question. After choosing Yes/No in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Yes/No Editing Area. Use the text-box editor under the Label section to type or paste in your yes/no question.
The Yes/No component also allows for follow-up questions depending on the end user’s answer. To add a follow-up question to yes, no, or both answer options, navigate to the Responses section of the Yes/No Edit Area, then click the green “+” button in the “Follow up” column to the right, next to the answer(s) for which you wish to create a follow-up. To remove a follow-up question, click the trashcan icon in the “Follow up” column to the right, next to the answer(s) for which you wish to remove the follow-up.
For each follow-up “+” button that is selected, a follow-up group is created underneath the Yes/No component for the question in the Form Sections area. It will show as “Follow up group for true” or “Follow up group for false. : To add components to the follow-up group, open the group by clicking the left-facing arrow to the right and click the “+ New Component” button. This will result in a popup menu that allows you to choose the type of component to create within that group.
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Tip: This feature is especially useful for “if yes/why?” and “if no/why?” questions. To accomplish this, use the String or Text Field component as the follow-up component to allow the user to input their answer as text. |
Number Select
The Number Select component consists of predefined number values the user selects, which can be configured for single-selection or multiple-selection answers. After choosing Number Select in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Number Selection Editing Area.
Use the text-box editor underneath Question* to type or paste in your number select question. You can add a comment below to elaborate on the question.
The Response Options* section is where you will create and edit your number selections from which a user will choose. The Display Label column contains two number select items containing placeholder text. To edit, delete the placeholder text and type or paste in your number.
To add more number select options from which to choose, click the “+ Add Option” button at the bottom left. To remove a number select option from the list, click on the “x” under the Remove column that corresponds to the option you wish to remove.
Clicking the sliding button under Response Settings determines whether the question will allow users to choose multiple answers instead of a single answer.
String Select
The String Select component consists of predefined text values the user selects, which can be configured for single-selection or multiple-selection answers. After choosing String Select in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the String Select Editing Area.
Use the text-box editor under the Question* to type or paste in your string select question.
The Response Options* section is where you will create and edit your string selections from which a user will choose. The Display Label column contains two string select items containing placeholder text. To edit, delete the placeholder text and type or paste in your text string.
To add more string select options from which to choose, click the “+ Add Option” button at the bottom left. To remove a string select option from the list, click on the “x” under the Remove column that corresponds to the option you wish to remove.
Clicking the sliding button under Response Settings determines whether the question will allow users to choose multiple answers instead of a single answer.
End-User Input Components
End-user input components consist of questions designed for users to input an answer (numerical or textual) into an answer field.
Whole Number
The Whole Number component allows users to input a whole number value as an answer. After choosing Whole Number in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Whole Number Editing Area.
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Note: The Whole Number component accepts only whole integers. For questions with number-answers other than whole numbers, choose the Decimal Number component. |
Use the text-box editor under the Label section to type or paste in your whole number question.
The Measurement Settings section allows you to set an optional minimum and maximum answer value. Leaving this field unchanged (set to “No rule” for both minimum and maximum) allows users to input any existing whole number. To add a minimum answer value, click on the dropdown menu, select either “greater than” or “greater than or equal to,” then set the minimum value by typing or pasting in a whole number in the text-editor box underneath the dropdown menu. To add a maximum answer value, click on the dropdown menu, select either “less than” or “less than or equal to,” then set the maximum value by typing or pasting in a whole number in the text-editor box underneath the dropdown menu.
The String component allows users to input a single sentence text reply as an answer. After choosing String in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the String Editing Area.
Use the text-box editor under the Label section to type or paste in your string question. Since users will answer the question with a string of text, no further editing of this component is necessary.
Decimal Number
The Decimal Number component allows users to input a decimal number value as an answer. After choosing Decimal Number in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Decimal Number Editing Area.
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Note: The Decimal Number component accepts only decimal numbers. For questions with whole-number answers, choose the Whole Number component. |
Use the text-box editor under the Label section to type or paste in your decimal number question.
The Measurement Settings section allows you to set an optional minimum and maximum answer value. Leaving this field unchanged (set to “No rule” for both minimum and maximum) allows users to input any existing decimal number. To add a minimum answer value, click on the dropdown menu, select either “greater than” or “greater than or equal to,” then set the minimum value by typing or pasting in a number in the text-editor box underneath the dropdown menu. To add a maximum answer value, click on the dropdown menu, select either “less than” or “less than or equal to,” then set the maximum value by typing or pasting in a number in the text-editor box underneath the dropdown menu.
Text Field
The Text Field component allows users to input multi-sentence text replies as an answer. After choosing Text Field in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Text Field Editing Area.
Use the text-box editor under the Label section to type or paste in your text field question. Since users will answer the question with a string of text, no further editing of this component is necessary.
Information Display Components
Information display components do not permit end-user inputs but are used to display textual information or further organize sections by groups.
The Remark component allows content creators building the form to include textual information (instructions, clarification, comments, etc.) within the form. After choosing Remark in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Remark Editing Area, including a Comment section with a WYSIWYG rich-text editor.
To add a remark, simply type or paste in your text into the text-editor box. The end user will see a preview of the text in the form, which can be clicked into to display the entire remark.
The Group component allows content creators building the form to further organize sections into groups and subgroups. After choosing Group in the component popup menu, the right side of the menu will display the Group Editing Area, which allows you to label your group using the text-editor box provided.
To add components to the group, open the group by clicking the arrow to the right of the name of the group and click the “New Component for Group” button. This will result in a popup menu that allows you to choose the type of component to create within that group.
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Note: There’s no limit to the amount of groups that can be nested under each section. |
Rearranging the Order of Sections and Components
The form component-type allows you to rearrange your content however you’d like using the drag-and-drop method.
Rearranging Sections
To rearrange sections, you must first collapse all sections by clicking the arrows right of the section’s name. When all sections are collapsed, click on the hamburger menu (six dots arranged three rows of two columns) left of the section name and drag it up or down to its desired position. If a section is open, the hamburger menu turns into a lock, indicating that section positions are locked and cannot be rearranged until all sections are collapsed.
Rearranging Components
To rearrange components, you must first collapse all components within the same nested group by clicking the arrows right of the component name until the lock left of the component name turns into a hamburger menu (six dots arranged three rows of two columns). When the appropriate components are collapsed, click on the hamburger menu and drag it up or down to its desired position.
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