Branching Scenarios

Branching Scenarios

Branching Scenarios are branching, corrective assessments that offer optimal, suboptimal, and failing pathways. By adding follow-up questions to typical assessment questions, learners are offered opportunities to “correct” their thinking and still pass the assessment. Each question in a branching scenario also has the optional ability to attach a media asset (image, audio, video).

Branching scenario assessments are a module component and can only be added at the modular level. Branching scenario assessments are untracked and ungraded, serving as a comprehension check and reinforcement training.

To create a branching scenario, navigate to the Branching Scenario section under Assessments in the lefthand navigation menu, then click on the “Create Branching Scenario” button at the top right. In the resulting popup menu, give your branching scenario a required Title and Author and an optional Description and click “Create.” This will bring you to the assessment builder.

To build your branching scenario, you’ll create true/false or multiple-choice questions and their follow-ups. To create a new question, click the “New Question” dropdown and select the desired question type.

Question Types


The True/False question-type allows you to ask a learner a simple true or false question. After choosing True/False in the question popup window, the right side of the menu will display the True/False Editing Area, allowing you to create your question and select the correct response.

To create your question, type or paste the question’s text into the text-editor box under the Question section in the True/False Editing Area. To set the question’s answer, click on the checkbox that corresponds to the correct answer under the Correct Response column in the True/False Options section.

If you’d like to add an answer rationale to the true/false question, type it in the provided Response Rationale text editor box.

Multiple Choice

The Multiple Choice question-type allows you to ask a learner a simple multiple-choice question. After choosing Multiple Choice in the question popup window, the right side of the menu will display the Multiple Choice Editing Area, allowing you to create your question, edit the available answer choices, and select the correct answer.

To create your question, type or paste the question’s text into the text-editor box under the Question section in the Multiple Choice Editing Area.

To create your list of answer-choices and select the correct answer, navigate to the Multiple Choice section, which consists of three columns: Correct, Answers, and Delete.

  • Correct consists of checkboxes used to select the correct response. Click the checkbox next to the corresponding answer to set the correct response. Only one correct answer may be selected per question.

  • Answers corresponds to the answer-choices visible to the learner. To edit, simply type or paste in the desired text in the text editor box provided.

  • Delete allows you to remove an option from the group of answer choices.

The Rationale text box allows you to add response rationale to each answer-choice. This is optional, but it can be included by entering the rationale in the text box under each possible answer choice.

To add more options to your group of answer-choices, click on the “+ Add option” button at the bottom left of the Multiple Choice Configurations section.

Follow-Up Questions

The follow-up questions in a branching scenario assessment work on an if/then logic. If a correct answer is selected, then the assessment skips the follow-ups and moves the learner to the next question. If an incorrect answer is selected, then the assessment will ask the learner the first follow-up (if available) until the learner either gets it right or runs out of follow-up questions. If a learner selects an incorrect answer without a follow-up, they will fail the entire branching scenario assessment.

NOTE: If a learner fails a branching scenario assessment, they will be able to retake it as many times as they’d like. Once passed, the assessment is complete. A learner DOES NOT need to pass a branching scenario assessment to move onto another module.

To create a follow-up question(s), click the dropdown chevron to the left of the question to which you want to add a follow-up(s). This dropdown will reveal another “New Question” button under the original question. Click “New Question” and select either True/False or Multiple Choice. Building follow-up questions follows the same process as creating the original question.

NOTE: There is no limit to how many follow-up questions you can ask.

Attaching Media to Questions and Follow-Up Questions

Each question in a branching scenario assessment has the optional ability to attach a single media file to it (image, audio, or video). To attach a media file to a question, click on the desired media type to add under the “Attached Media Asset” section. The resulting popup window will allow you to either select an available media asset from your branch’s media library or upload a new media asset.

To select a media asset, scroll or search for the asset desired, click on it, and click the “Use selected media” button. To upload a new media asset, click on the “Upload a new [media type]” tab at the top of the popup window, give it an title (this title becomes its internal title in the media asset library), and click “Select File.” Select the desired media file from your files and upload it.

If you want to remove any attached media from a question, simply click the “x Remove” button.

Once you’ve completed your branching scenario assessment, click the “Publish” button near the top right. If the publish button is grayed out, it means either a) you are missing some details (title, author, etc.) or b) one or more of the questions requires additional information (often a correct response has not been selected).

Now that your branching scenario assessment is published, you’ll be able to link it to a branching scenario component in any module for any courses you build. To attach a branching scenario to a module, click “New Component” within the desired module and select “Scenario Quiz.” The resulting popup window will allow you to link any published branching scenario assessments you have access to.



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