Teams and Collections

Teams and Collections

CONTENT TEAMS let you manage user permissions for creating, editing, and publishing content in Capillary. Instructor Teams let you manage user permissions for managing classes and providing learner certifications.


  • Each content team you create is associated with one collection and is responsible for the content within that collection. Content teams are comprised of at least one publisher and any number of other publishers, editors, and authors.


The Publisher is the team leader or manager. In addition to creating, editing, and publishing content, Publishers can add new members to the team and assign roles to each member. Each team is assigned only one Publisher.


Editors have access to all of the content and can create, edit, and publish that content. However, unlike Publishers, Editors cannot manage the team or invite new members.


Author is the lowest access level in the Creator. Unlike Editors and Publishers, Authors can only create content but cannot publish content. Authors also do not have access to team organization.

Creating a Team/Collection

Only branch administrators can create a new team.

Remember: Each content team is associated with a single collection. To create a new collection, you must create a new content team.

To Create a Content Team

Content teams or collections can be configured as Private or Public:

Public Collections: This configuration makes all content publicly available and allows registered users to access the content.

Private Collections: This configuration allows Administrators to restrict access to collection content. Users who wish to access this content must register for the private collection using a collection registration code. Administrators reserve the right to manage user access.

To create a content team, navigate to the Branch Administrator view by clicking the gray squares at the top left of the header menu and selecting “Branch Administrator.” In the Branch Administrator view, navigate to “Teams” in the lefthand-navigation menu.

Once there, click the “+ Create New Team” button at the top right. In the resulting popup window, make sure Content Team is highlighted, then invite an initial publisher by typing or pasting their email, name the team (this names the collection as well; collection names can be changed in the Details section of the lefthand navigation menu), connect it to whichever workspace (application) it applies.

At this point you have the option to create the collection as Private or Public. If you wish to create a private collection make sure to select the option “Make this collection Private”, then click Create Team.

The configuration of a Private collection can be modified by accessing the desired collection, and navigating to Details on the left-hand-side navigation menu. Then click on the ellipsis menu and select “edit details”. The system will generate a popup screen that allows you to change the configuration from private to public or vice versa.

To Create an Instructor Team

Navigate to the Branch Administrator view by clicking the gray squares at the top left of the header menu and selecting “Branch Administrator.” In the Branch Administrator view, navigate to “Teams” in the lefthand-navigation menu.

Once there, click the “+ Create New Team” button at the top right. In the resulting popup window, make sure Instructor Team is highlighted, then invite an initial instructor lead by typing or pasting their email, name the team, connect it to whichever workspace (application) it applies, then click Create Team.

Inviting New Team Members

Only Administrators and Publishers can invite team members to join a team.

Administrator’s can invite new team members by navigating to the Teams section of the Administrator Portal, clicking on the team in which you wish to invite members to join, and clicking the “+ Invite new member” button on the right. In the resulting popup window, simply enter the new member’s email address, select their role for the team, and click “Invite team member.”

Publishers and Administrators can also invite new team members by navigating to the Members tab of the lefthand navigation menu and clicking the “+ Invite Member” button. In the resulting popup window, simply enter the new member’s email address, select their role for the team, and click “Invite member.”

New team members will receive an invitation to the email address provided. After clicking join, new members will be asked to either sign up if they’re new members, sign in using their username and password, or sign in by using one of the SSO options provided.

Managing Team Details

Clicking on a team in the Teams section in the Administrator view reveals basic details about the team and its members. Here, you can change the name of the team, invite new team members, and change team members’ roles.

You can also get to the team details section in the Creator view by choosing a collection and then navigating to the Members section under Team at the bottom of the lefthand navigation menu.

In the Creator view, the Members area allows you to view and manage the team members and their roles, invite members, and view/manage pending invitations.

Removing a Team Member

You can remove team members from either the Creator (Members tab) or Administrator Portals (Teams tab) by clicking on the icon (user icon with a - next to it) under the Remove column to the right of the team member’s name you wish to remove.

Team and Collection Details (Creator View)


The Overview section displays the Analytics Spotlight, Collection Details, and Team Members. The Analytics Spotlight indicates the team’s numbers for published content, content downloads, and subscriptions. Collection Details provides an overview of the collection and its contents. Selecting “See more info” will take you to the Details section. The box to the right labeled Team Members previews the Members section. Clicking “See More Info” in this section takes you to to the Members section where you can view and modify roles for existing members as well as invite new members.


The Collection Details section displays the basic details of the collection you’re currently working on. Here, you can change the collection’s name, accent color, and provide a description. You can also add or change the collection's icon and banner image.

To change the accent color, you can either click the paint bucket icon and use the color slider or fill in the text box to the right with the hex code of your color of choice.

To upload an icon image, hover over the icon area and click the “Crop and Upload” button. In the resulting popup window, click “Select image file.” This will allow you to select an image from your device to upload as your icon. After an image is selected, you can edit the size and positioning of the image by clicking and dragging the image to move it or adjusting the image’s size with its border points. Once you’ve got the image sized and positioned how you like it, click the “Upload cropping” button at the bottom right. You can also preview the image first, which will open the image in a new tab.

Uploading a banner image follows the same process as uploading an icon: hover over the banner area and click the “Crop and Upload” button. In the resulting popup window, click “Select image file.” This will allow you to select an image from your device to upload as your banner. After an image is selected, you can edit the size and positioning of the image by clicking and dragging the image to move it or adjusting the image’s size with its border points. Once you’ve got the image sized and positioned how you like it, click the “Upload cropping” button at the bottom right. You can also preview the image first, which will open the image in a new tab.


Selecting “Content” at the top task bar shows you all published content for that collection. Content displays with an icon, the name of the item, the author, the type (form, book, etc.), and the date of publication. The items can be organized using the Sort column – clicking and holding on any of the double-line icons will allow you to drag that piece of content up or down the ladder. The content can also be unlinked using the red unlink icons on the far right.

To link additional published content, click the Link Published Content button at the top right. A pop-up will open showing all content available to the collection with an option to link these items using the blue button on the far right for any item. Note that available content is based on your Branch permission level.


The last option in the top taskbar is Notification. Selecting this option will take you to the Push Notification History for that collection. This section will display the 20 most recent push notifications including the time and date, the message, and any attached content. Scrolling to the bottom will display the “Load more” button which fetches another 20 notifications (until reaching the first notification).

While in the Notifications section, the top left indicates which collection you are currently in. (It is important to make sure it’s the right collection, so you don’t send messages to the wrong subscribers; to change collections, switch to the team associated with that collection by clicking the dropdown chevron next to the collection name at the top of the left taskbar.)

To send a new notification, click the “+ Create new Notification” button at the top right. Messages have a maximum of 220 characters. Messages also have the optional ability to link to published content for easier access. To link content, click the “Attach Published Content” button and select the content you’d like to link to your message.

Clicking “Push to Subscribers” will send the message to all subscribers for that collection. To test the notification before sending it out, select the box next to “Send as a test notification only.” This will send the notification only to your devices that are signed into the account and subscribed to the collection.

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