The Audio Content-Type allows Audio files such as podcasts, audiobooks, or any other audio file
AUDIO allow for standalone audio files to be added to a
Content Library and linked to a Collection.Content Library Interface:
Click Create New Content Button:
Initializing New Content / Naming Audio Content Creation:
Select Audio Content Type from the menu, name Audio Content, click the Confirm Yes button.
Content Details UI - Audio:
This screen allows you to edit the Audio Title, Author, and Description, as well as upload the Cover Thumbnail, access the Build Components, update the Categories, review the Content Metadata, and Publish the Content-Type.
Uploading the Cover Icon:
(You will find further information regarding Content Creator visual assets here)
Click the Update button.
To Upload Audio Component:
Click the Builder button.
title | Status |
A note about Status: many items will show their status and provide further instruction when hovering over them. It is possible in many instances that you may not be able to proceed until a particular issue is resolved by completing the instructed task.
You may link to already existing media that has been uploaded into Media Assets or via the Upload dialog.
Publish Content:
You may Publish by clicking on the Publish buttons.
New Audio Content Now Appears in the Content Library and Can Be Linked to a Collection:
collection. End users can view and download the audio files much the same way that they would a video.
To create audio content, navigate to the Audio section under Team Content in the left-hand navigation menu, then click on “+ Create New Content” button at the top right. In the resulting popup menu, name your audio content, then choose “Audio” in the Type dropdown menu. This will bring you to the Details section of your audio and allow you to start building your audio content.
Info |
Note: This tutorial specifically refers to the Builder section of the Publishing Wizard. Detailed instructions on Details, Categories, Collection, and Publish tabs of the Publishing Wizard can be found here. |
To select an audio file or upload a new audio file for publishing, click on the Builder section of the Publishing Wizard near the top. First, label your audio using the text-editor box provided. Then, scroll down to the “Connected Media Asset” section and click the “Select Media Asset” button. The resulting popup menu allows you to select an existing media asset or upload a new media asset.
Info |
Note: PLEASE use the search bar under the “Select existing Media Asset” section to search for your media asset before uploading a new one to prevent multiple copies of large media files. |
To select an existing media asset, either scroll through the available media or use the search bar at the top right to find the desired media asset, click on the media asset (this will display a preview, the label, and some metadata), and click the “Link this asset” button at the bottom right.
To upload a new media asset, click the “Upload new Media Asset” tab at the top right of the popup menu. First, label the audio file (this will be the name of the audio in your media assets database). Then, either drag and drop the media file into the popup window or click on the “Click or Drop file” button near the top left and select the desired file from your computer. Once the file has successfully loaded, click the “ Upload” button at the bottom right.
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