Branch Resources & Media Management

Branch Resources & Media Management

THE RESOURCES area in the lefthand-navigation menu of the Creator Portal allows you to manage categories and media assets across your branch.

Media Assets

The Media Assets section contains all of your branch’s uploaded media (images, video, audio, PDF). You can upload new media here to use in content creation by selecting the media type using the dropdown at the top left and clicking the “+ Create [media type] Asset” button at the top right. In the resulting popup window, click on the “Select File” button to choose your file. Once your file is chosen, give it an asset title (internal title in your asset library) and click the “Create new [media type] asset” button to upload the media asset.

You can also view and edit any media asset from this section. The tabs at the top allow you to navigate between media-types, and clicking into a media file will allow you to change its details and even upload different media or archive your media.

To upload different media, click on the media file, then click “Upload Revision” and follow the same instructions for uploading new media. When a media asset is revised, content creators are provided with the option to use the new media version or not in the Editing Area of the component(s) the media is being used in.

To archive media, click on the asset in your Media Assets you wish to archive. Click “Archive [media type] Asset.” A popup window will open with a warning that archiving media cannot be undone. If you’re sure you want to archive the media asset, type “ARCHIVE” to confirm and click “Archive Asset.”

NOTE: Archiving media assets cannot be undone. Once you've archived a media asset:

  • Any content that already uses this media asset will continue to be available for learners, and you may continue to publish that content without fear of a missing or deleted asset.


  • You will not be able to update or revise this media asset.

  • This media asset will no longer be available for future content building.

Archiving an asset will not remove it from published content or create any broken images or content gaps, however, the asset can no longer be retrieved, edited, updated, or used in building future content. The best practice is to consider editing or uploading a revision of your media asset before archiving it.


The Categories section displays all of the branch’s available categories and category groups and allows you to view and edit existing categories and category groups as well as create new ones. Category Groups/Categories are used for filtering content in Capillary Apps. Category Groups are the top level of organization in content filtering and are filled with specific categories. All content tagged with a category used in a category group will display when that category is selected as the filtering option.

To create a new Category Group, navigate to the Category Groups tab at the top and click the “+ New Category Group” button near the top right. The resulting popup window requires you to title the domain and connect it to the desired application and allows you to add an optional description. Once the Category Group has been created, you can then connect Categories to the Category Group. To connect a Category, click the “Link Categories” button. In the resulting popup window, click the link icon to the right of the name of any Category you’d like to connect. To remove a Category, simply click the red broken-link icon to the right of the Category you wish to remove.

To create a new category, navigate to the Categories tab at the top and click the “+ Create New Category” button near the top right. The resulting popup window requires you to title the category and connect it to the desired application and allows you to add an optional description. The “Show Advanced Options” button allows you to restrict the category to certain content-types by clicking on the checkbox to the left of the desired content-type.

Clicking into any existing Category Group or Category allows you to edit the details about said Category Group or Category.

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