App Creation Steps & Requirements

Thanks for choosing Capillary! We’re excited to begin building your app and helping you create and publish beautiful content. Below is a simple table outlining the general steps and requirements to building your app




1. Create Your Branch

1-2 Business Days

  • Branch Name (e.g., Organization Name)

  • Branch Domain (e.g., organizationname): Must be at least three letters; may only contain lowercase letters.

2. Invite Admins and Publishers


  • Email addresses of admins and content-creation team leaders.

3. Create Testing App

2-3 Business Days

  • Banner Image (Portrait: 640 px x  702px / Landscape: 2725px  × 702px)

  • App Icon (1024px x 1024px)

  • Splash Screen (Portrait: 2048px × 2732px / Landscape: 2732px × 2048px)

4. Create iOS App

3-7 Business Days

  • Apple Developer Account

5. Create Android App

1-3 Business Days