THE ADMINISTRATOR view allows you to perform all administrative duties within a branch.


The Dashboard section contains analytics on user data for which you set the parameters. Each User Field (custom or standard) added to your app will collect user submissions and display that data within your dashboard in its own section in the form of a pie chart and data chart. The pie chart displays the percentages of selected answers with a color key beneath it. Underneath the pie chart is the number of total responses and a link to “View more details.” Clicking “View more details” displays a data chart listing each response, its total count, and its total percentage.


The Teams section lists all current teams by type (Content or Instructor). Clicking on a team reveals its basic details and team members and allows admins to add new team members as well as change the members’ team roles. Admins can also create new teams and invite publishers to manage them.

Note: To learn how to create teams, navigate to the “Creating a Team/Collection” section.


The Users section lists all of the current users in the branch. Each user listing contains the user’s name, role, email address, date joined, and access status.

Administrators can:

  • Filter by role using the “Filter by role” dropdown at the top left.

  • Change users' roles between “Admin,” “User,” and “Guest” by clicking the dropdown menu right of the user’s name and selecting the desired role.

  • Lock users' access by clicking the opened-lock icon under the Access column, typing a comment describing why the account is being locked, and clicking “Lock.”

  • Unlock users' acces by clicking the closed-lock icon under the Access column, typing a comment describing the reason for unlocking the account, and clicking “Unlock.”

Admin Invitations

The Admin Invitations section lists all of the pending Administrator invitations along with the date and time sent. This section also allows admins to invite new branch admins by clicking the “Invite New Branch Admin” button at the top right, typing or pasting in the new admin’s email address, and clicking the “Invite Branch Admin” button.


Domains consist of the answer fields used to build user fields for collecting user data. To create a domain, navigate to the Domains section in the Administrator view, then click “+Create New Domain.” The resulting popup window requires you to create an identifier and label for your new domain. The identifier is the domain’s internal ID, while the label is how the domain will display visually. For example, to track where your users live, you could create a domain with the identifier “state-residence” and the label “State of Residence.” After filling out the ID and label, click “Create Domain.”

Note: Domain IDs should start with a letter and contain only lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens.

After creating your domain, the right side will display the Domain Details, allowing you to change the domain’s label as well as create new domain items, which serve as your user field choices.

To create new domain items, navigate to New Domain Item under the Domain Items section of Domain Details, fill out the Item Value and Item Label, and click “+ Add Domain Item.” The Item Value is a domain item’s internal ID, while the label is how the item will display visually. For example, if your domain is “State of Residence,” you could create a domain item for Florida, with the Item Value as “florida-fl” and the Item Label as “Florida.”

Once your domain and domain items have been created, you can use that domain as a new custom user field to begin tracking data associated with it.

User Fields

User Fields collect user data from your app and are built using either standard or custom domains. Each user field created in the Administrator dashboard will prompt the user to submit a response by displaying a red “!” over the Profile section of the user’s app until a response is submitted.

Creating New User Fields

To create a new user field, navigate to the User Fields section in the lefthand navigation menu of the Administrator view, then click “+ Add User Field.” The resulting popup window contains both standard and custom user fields to choose from.

Standard user fields consist of commonly tracked data points included in the Capillary Creator for universal usage. To add a standard user field, make sure “Standard Fields” is selected in the popup window and click on the domain you wish to use. The resulting popup window will display a user field preview, allowing you to view what the user field will look like. If the user field selected is the one you’d like to include, click the “Create Field” button near the bottom right. If not, click “Back” to be returned to the User Field popup window.

Custom Fields consist of all the custom domains you have created in addition to the standard domains provided. For instance, if you created the State of Residence domain in the example above, it would be available for use under the Custom Fields tab. To add a custom user field, make sure Custom Fields is selected in the popup window and click on the domain you wish to use. In the resulting popup window, enter a User Field Label (what displays visually over the answer choices) and a User Field Key (internal ID). Next, the field requirement section allows administrators to enforce the use of the new field, select “Required for Account Registration”, Required for Course Registration”, or “Only show in User Profile”, then select if you wish to require users to enter a response, then click Next. The resulting popup window will display a user field preview, allowing you to view what the user field will look like. If the user field selected looks good, click the Create Field button near the bottom right. If not, click Back to be returned to the User Field popup window.

Editing, Previewing, and Removing User Fields

The User Fields section lists all of the user fields that have been added to your app, separated into Standard Fields and Custom Fields areas. Each user field included can be previewed or removed using the corresponding buttons to the right of the particular user field, while custom user fields can also be edited by clicking on the “Edit” button to the right of the particular custom user field.


Clicking the pencil icon under the “Edit” section to the right of a custom user field results in a popup window allowing you to edit the label of the user field. To edit the user field’s label, type the new label into the text box provided and click “Save Changes.”


Clicking the eye icon under the “Preview” section to the right of a user field results in a popup window displaying a preview of how the user field will look for users interacting with it in the app, including the label and all of the associated user options.


Clicking the trashcan icon under the “Remove” section to the right of a user field results in a popup window asking you to confirm that you wish to remove the user field in question. To confirm and remove the field, click the “Yes, Remove” button near the bottom right of the popup window.

Text Input Fields

In addition to User Fields, administrators can set up text-field data collection questions that can optionally be required upon profile creation and/or course registration.

To create a Text Input Field, click the “Add Text Input Field” button, enter the Input label (what displays visually) and key (internal ID), and click “Create.” The resulting screen has the following options for your Text Input Field:

  • Input Placeholder: The input placeholder has a maximum length of 25 characters and is text that displays by default when the input field is clicked into.

  • Input Help or Hint: The input help or hint has a maximum length of 50 characters and is text that displays underneath the input field.

  • Data Validations

    • Required for all Course registrations: The user must add an answer in this text input field before they are able to register for any courses.

    • Require users to enter a value: The user must add an answer in this text input field to complete their profile creation.

  • Custom Pattern: To access the Custom Pattern section, click on your user profile dropdown at the top right and click the checkbox left of “Developer Data Mode.”

    • Regular Expression Pattern: This field allows you to set up a regular expression to limit the accepted answers and includes a link to a helpful resource for building regular expressions.

    • Pattern Validation Error Message: This field is meant to help users who receive an error because of an incorrect input better understand how to fill in this field.

Once you are satisfied with your Text Input Field, click “Save changes.”

To edit your Text Input Field, click the pencil icon under the Edit column to the right of the Text Input Field you wish to edit.

To remove a Text Input Field, click the red trashcan logo under the Remove column to the right of the Text Input Field you wish to remove. Then, in the resulting popup window click the “Yes, Remove” button.

Branch Settings

Branch Settings allows administrators to select a branch’s primary color, upload a brand icon, and set up an optional branch sign-in message and/or terms and conditions.

Primary Color

The Primary Color section of Branch Settings allows administrators to select a branch’s primary color, which stylizes certain buttons and highlights across the branch.

To select or change a primary color, you can either click into the color square and use the color slider to select a color or type/paste a color’s hex code into the available field (don’t forget to include the # at the beginning of the hex code!).

Brand Icon

The Brand Icon section allows administrators the ability to upload a brand icon image, which displays at the top left of the header navigation bar across all pages of your branch.

To upload a brand icon, hover over the field under the Brand Icon header and click to edit/upload. The resulting popup window displays information about the sizes, ratios, and file types allowed for the brand icon:

  • Min Size (w x h): 40 x 40 px

  • Max Size (w x h): 800 x 600 px

  • Image Ratio (w : h): between 1:1 and 5:1

  • Allowed Extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg

Click “Choose File.” In the resulting popup window, select the image file from your computer you wish to upload. An Icon Preview will display. If everything looks good, click “Save Icon” to complete your brand icon upload.

Branch Sign-In Message

The Branch Sign-In Message section allows administrators to establish a message for users to be greeted with upon attempting to sign in to their app.

To include a branch sign-in message, simply type or paste your message into the available text box, format it how you want using the available HTML markup, and ensure the slider above the text box is on “Enabled” (slider to the right and colored = enabled; slider to the left and gray = not enabled).

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions section allows administrators to establish a terms and conditions message that users will have to agree to before attempting to sign in to their app.

To include a terms and conditions message, simply type or paste your message into the available text box, format it how you want using the available HTML markup, and ensure the slider above the text box is on “Enabled” (slider to the right and colored = enabled; slider to the left and gray = not enabled).